Systematics of mysteries of analitic sciences as well as of science of synthetic in the most evoluted ideology.

A foreword of author about the nature and meaning of this book ...

In place intros.. ..Looking small back in space-time!

Part I :    B o o k   o f   S e n c e s - talking about nature of this world as well about what is our nature... and also our real fate.

Part II :    B o o k   o f   S e n c e l e s s e s - Full story, disambiguation, indiscriminately and finally themselves human rubbish ...

Part III :    B o o k   o f   S i x t h   S e n c e - Book of mysteries of being ... and the key to air locks of being irrational.

Part IV :    B o o k   o f   S e n s u a l i t y - Talks about sinfulness of the world and his mistress. ... as well regret it against injustice on her...